PLEASANTONVOTERS.COM is an information based website working on important issues of concern to the residents of Pleasanton. We have defined goals of retaining the best qualities of our City for future generations, preserving ridgelines and open space, protecting our voter approved Urban Growth Boundary and supporting our schools/parks/recreational facilities/ safe drinking water. We seek to promote a culture of mutual respect and security for all residents.
Educating Voters from a resident's point of view so that they can become engaged and involved in shaping the future of Pleasanton. Residents must be represented above special interest groups and growth must be balanced in line with available infrastructure such as schools, water resources and traffic.
We are an all volunteer organization and we rely on donations from people like you to continue our mission. Please click on the DONATE button below and help us out.
Join the hundreds of residents have shown up at City meetings, written letters, shared information with their neighbors and helped support this grass roots organization. Enter your email to join our growing email list